与Waves的Sibilance和Tune Real-Time等实时效果一样。当然亦可用于编辑。
It’s an audio plug-in that shifts the pitch of the signal in a high-quality but old-school way. It’s also a harmonizer so it can
intelligently shift based on the note you play. And there’s a guitar tuner. Slso midi to pitch routing.
它是一个音频插件,以高质量但老派的方式改变信号的音调。它也是一个协调器,所以它可以根据你演奏的音符智能地变换。还有吉他调音器。SLSO(单输入单输出) MIDI到PITCH(音高)路由。
The only step to installation is placing pitchproof.dll (or the -x64 version) in your VST plugins folder and setting/refreshing the
pug-in path in your audio application which may happen automatically.
安装的唯一步骤是将pitchproof.dll(或-x64版本)放在vst plugins文件夹中,并设置/刷新音频应用程序中可能自动发现pug-in路径。